About Us

Keith Crovatt Magnetic Customers

Passionate Engineer and Marketing Educator.
Let’s Join Forces and Change The World!

I am going to take this opportunity to help you understand the person behind the business.   I’m a husband and a father and striving to live each day in a way that honors God. I’m an “accidental energy engineer marketer” who, having never started his own business, is now living the dream.

I am an open book. As a result, this “About Me” is a bit long! Let’s go…

About Me As A Person

I’m a husband and father to 2 grown daughters that are spreading their wings and about to be married to 2 great guys!

I do not think that the business and money drives me or defines me.  My passion has always been teaching others and coaching those who really want to succeed.  My frustrations are those who say they want change and do not carry through with those desires.

We decided, after 2 years of pre-K and kindergarten to homeschool our children along with a partnership of Church based education and other “outside the home” classes.  I know, some folks will say homeschoolers don’t have social skills or are “geeks” or whatever.  I will say to anyone that meets my daughters, they will quickly learn that is a myth big time.

I am the oldest son of two and grew up mainly in Atlanta, Georgia with 2 loving parents.  Therefore, my love for southern food, football, and such has made me who I am today.  After 12 years in the public school system (a complete different education then than now!), I went on to Georgia Tech (Go Jackets – Ramblin’ Wreck) and graduated as an electrical engineer with a minor in business.

My wife Cathy is a remarkable person and the glue that holds our family together.  We are true soulmates and I thank God everyday she came into my life.

My Core Values

This is the hardest section to write but the most important.  First off, I believe in God and the miracle of life that he designed.  I witnessed these miracles happen (as every parent does) with the births of our children.  From the tiny hands, the eyes, every little dimple exactly in place you realize the miracle of His design.  From a parents love for each other to their children’s birth, He is truly working in our lives and we are forever thankful.

I believe in complete honesty and truth as we should not sacrifice our beliefs and morals for a quick dollar, a promotion, an elected office (don’t get me started about our current political system – that is for another post) etc.

While I understand the need for money and basic survival needs, I try to not dwell on them much.  I have always been provided for through my hard work and His grace.

I travel some for business with speeches, trainings and presentations as requested.  I do require that whatever I am invited to aligns with my values, expertise and future path.  It is too easy to run around the world, acting busy and not really making a difference in the world.  To me, making a difference in the world and leaving a legacy for the future engineers, sales and marketing experts is paramount to me.

My Background

After my 6 years completing 4 years of work at Georgia Tech (more average for most than you would think), I started my career as a field engineer for very large “controls” company.

From late nights (with a beeper for emergencies) to long 60 hour weeks, I was determined to learn every detail I could about the control and programming of HVAC systems.

The field service opened doors for me in the sales side of the business so I could directly help building owners and managers control and enhance their operations.

After this fantastic experience, I plateaued and needed a new path.  That lead to one of the largest manufacturers of HVAC equipment.  More learning, more sweat equity and time provided me a different perspective than the controls world.

It was there that my wife Cathy was placed into my life!  A year later we were married and my world changed from a single guy to a dedicated husband and 4 years later a father.

So Why Am I Here?

As I mentioned before, my passion has always been teaching, training and mentoring.  At some point in my experience I realized I really needed to pass on the knowledge of over 30+ years of work and sweat.

I have been marketing via Google ads, Facebook and others for over 10 years.  I assist several companies and individuals with their marketing and sales efforts.  The only way to judge the results of marketing efforts is through leads, revenue and profit.  I cam completely “data driven” so the emotions are not allowed to sway the direction of advertising.  You should never be “in love” with your ads, pages or sites if they do not provide a true return on investment (ROI).

I have always been a sales/marketing type of person even though I am highly technical.  We all have to sell ourselves and our solutions no matter what industry we are in.

Why do we go through life without helping others and spreading our knowledge and secrets to others?  At some point, I will retire and a new generation of sales and marketers with take my place.  Do they really have the skills and knowledge to compete in this global world of information?

That is why I am here and if you are still reading this, I assume you are passionate about sales and marketing your business and want to know more.

As you subscribe to my newsletter and grab my guides I publish, you will continue to hear from me in emails and webinars.

I will provide private coaching, training and such, but for now, sign up, follow me and let’s make a change in world like He designed us to do.

Thank you for reading and God Bless,

Keith Crovatt
Principal and Founder