Done For You Customer Leads

July 11, 2019
Done For You Customer Leads

You want to run your business and provide for your family. I get it. So do I.
Marketing, payroll, inventory, staff issues and such are all a pain in the rear. But, it is all part of your business. I want to start a discussion about done for you customer leads.

You don’t have time to learn another “course”, figure out the “ads” platform on many social media sites and keep all of the servers, webpages, funnels, email systems and delivery in check, right?

You simply want NEW customers and keep your existing customers for life. REVENUE! I see your head nodding 😝

Here is my offer. Done For You Customer Leads. You run your business and let me bring you the new customers and followup with your current ones, turn key, nothing for you to learn.

What do you think? I already have the servers, the funnel software, the email systems, the geek stuff and do it every day. Therefore, Done for you customer leads works.

Why am I asking you this? You want customers and I want to help you.
You see, I really enjoy the geek side of marketing 😘. I have been doing it for years.

What is the best ad to run?

I have found that a very simple “Birthday Present Ad” works extremely well driving new customers into your business. We simply decide what type of offer you can advertise and send it out. Folks often bring friends and relatives with them to redeem offers. Upsells galore.

The beauty of this ad is Facebook does the work for us. We add a radius from your business, post the offer to the targeted folks, capture their information (very important part here) and deliver the birthday present at your location.

This is an evergreen strategy. An ad goes out to all of your customers (segmented of course) offering a discount, buy one get one free, free dinner when you bring a group, or whatever you choose for that month, for instance. It doesn’t matter the industry!

The ad runs continuously every month with the new folks targeted with birthdays that month. Set it up, tweak it, let it run. If you have captured their birthdays in an email system, you can do the same thing for virtually no costs!

Anyway, that is enough geek speak. If I can help you with more customers, click the link here, fill out our form and I will be back in touch.

[ Heads up: this ad is running all over the country for a few days. I can only take on about 10 new clients right now. Please don’t hesitate if you are interested. I hate telling folks I am full. ]

Go here >>

Looking forward to your success,
Keith 😘

p.s. If I can’t help you now and you know of other business owners struggling to get customers, please share this post with them, thank you.
Here is the link again >>

You can also reach out to me here and fill out the contact form.

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