The best kept secret in email marketing is segmenting your email list. Not all customers and prospects are equal. They come from different places in life. So, do not lump them all together.
The best autoresponder email systems are able to accept email subscribers form different forms and pages into the same list. This is a great time saver. Unfortunately, it is NOT the best experience for your prospects.
Why? Let me tell you a story. The site you are on right now is Magnetic Customers website. It is the site where my agency started years ago. In the past, we had to create different email lists for different marketing options. A list for folks that were interested in blogging. A list for those interested in affiliate marketing. We ended up with 10 to 15 different lists in our email system. It was a management headache.
Thankfully, the email systems have made incredible advancements in their platforms. Segmenting your email list is the only way to go for those starting out or veterans that want an easier way to communicate with their lists.
How do you segment a list?
Segmenting is simply adding a “tag” to the sign up form where you collect names and email addresses. As you can see below, we added the tag
mc-cf-aw to every person that joined out list wanting our guide for integrating Clickfunnels to Aweber at Magnetic Customers.

Now, the people that join the list will get emails ONLY about the Clickfunnels to Aweber guide. The ins and outs of Clickfunnels as it ties into Aweber.
They will not receive information about our other services. We offer done for you Facebook ads, consulting, SEO advice and WordPress consulting. These services are not of interest right now to the Clickfunnels Aweber interest. They will be in the future so one of our emails will direct them to another page where they can get that information.
You see how we are segmenting our business now? Segmenting your email lists is the best way to track, sell and prosper in your business.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us for help.