Question Shiny Objects In Your Marketing

July 2, 2019
Question Shiny Objects In Your Marketing

Do you have shiny object syndrome? You know, jumping from one new cool way to market to another new cool way to market over and over. I am here to tell you to question shiny objects in your marketing.

We remember the original search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities. Building “link farms” of very little content with stuffed words all linking back to a main site. Thousands of spammers forced Google and the others to change the algorithms. Overnight, BOOM, your site was de-listed.

Then, social media advertising started to become the rage and every developer and internet guru had a course or a service that would be the savior of your advertising. It seemed like free customers, free traffic and free cookies (just testing if you are reading 🙂 )

The list goes on and on for various cutting edge, beat the system, the golden solution and such. In reality, most of these have gone by the wayside with the continuing changes.

What has NOT CHANGED at all is relationships! Human to human dialogue and conversations about need, want and costs.

When you question shiny objects in your marketing, you have arrived at a maturity level in advertising. You know what works, what doesn’t and what could be tweaked from the new offerings.

It’s always better to focus on ONE type of marketing. Master it. Tweak it. Make it yours. Then move on the next type that compliments the first one.

After 4 to 5 different ways and platforms to market your message, you will have built up a superb funnel that will continue to drive customers into your business.

So where do you start?

I recommend to my customers to start off simple. Refer back to by previous post on birthday marketing. Very simple. Easy to target and works like a charm.

When you create ad copy and pictures for advertising to your target audience, you will need a very good screen capture program. Video editing is key for the more advanced users. Both of these options are available from Techsmith. I will have a tutorial on the site in the future both for SnagIt and Camtasia. I have used them for over 11 years and they rock.

So, ignore the shiny objects and let’s get back to the way business has always been conducted. Trust. Human to Human (even in the online world with chat and email). Go forth.

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