How to automate your best performing Facebook ads is right here. This post is a Connectio Connect Automation review.
We all know the secret to a well performing Facebook page is engagement and sharing. How many times do you put your heart and soul into a post only to find out no one reads it?
Frustrating right? Well, that is just part of the business. No post will be viral or even get a decent reach all of the time.
So why do we take the time and effort to post our best content on our Facebook feeds? To get the few ads that resonate and take off with engagement and shares! That is the gold mine, right?
When we do achieve the match to market post [where the message is exactly what your viewers are looking for] what do you do next?
What is the next step?
Smart marketers [that is you] will allow that post to blast off into opt-ins and clicks. We do this by “boosting” the post under Facebook ads. Now, this can be a lot of work going through each post and setting up the ads, the spend, the timing and all.
Not anymore! Connectio Connect Suite module Automation does it for you automatically. This awesome module constantly monitors your Facebook posts. When one of them starts taking off, it builds a new ad in Facebook ad manager. Check it out:
There are basically 4 main steps to use Connect Automation. First, you will pick the Facebook “page” that you want to monitor. Then you will enter the information into each of the boxes. Which type of post? How many posts to promote at once? Then the filters come into play.
You will enter the number of likes or engagements or other choices and pick a number that you feel warrants a boost. This can be for today or a week or other time period. When that value is met, the ad is ready to post. You will see the ads that meet that criteria at the bottom of this page when completed.
On to the 2nd page of Connect Automation:

The second tab will ask you if you want to start a new campaign in the Facebook ad system or add it to an existing campaign. You want to use the business manager ad system instead of simply boosting the post. See our post “Why you should never boost a post on Facebook” for more details.
This page is where you will also enter your Facebook tracking pixel we have talked about in another post. From there we go to the 3rd tab.
This tab is the “Adset” settings. How many days to run the ad? Create a new adset. How much do you want to have for ad spend? Then, you will decide on your custom audiences or look-a-like audiences to show the ad on their feed. Finally, how to optimize. It is pretty self explanatory.
The final 4th tab is for the rule settings. Simply “name” the rule and tell it if you want email alerts.
That is it. Simple right? Now, as you go about your business and post on Facebook [or have others do it for you], the Connectio Connect Automation review system will automatically scale your reach to amazing levels.
As always, if you need help with this or any of the other modules in the Connectio Suite, please feel free to reach out to me for help. We can discuss various ways to have this all done for you.
Other posts and reviews of each of the other Connectio modules can be found here.